A Farmer one morning found a Large Owl in his barnyard, and the Limping and Distressed Bird no sooner Observed him than it cried out, “I should like to Know what sort of a Man you are that you let your Geese almost Kill me!” “Then you have been Maltreated?” ” I should say I had! I have been Pounded almost to Death!” “But there Must have been some Provocation!” “Not the Slightest. I simply flew down to Secure a Chicken for Breakfast, and three of the Geese at once Rushed upon me.” “Ah, I see,” mused the Farmer, and he at once gave the orders to have the Brutal Geese put to Death. Moral. Any Burglar who may be Shot while Plundering a Citizen’s House should Promptly complain to the nearest Magistrate. The Average Jury will make it Warm for the Shooter. [Detroit Free Press – Published November 3, 1885 Boston Evening Transcript]